Advantages of the Music Made Easy Scheme

  1. You will have a scheme of work for the year which is divided up between the school months. Should you choose to use this plan and follow it closely, you will have your years work covered without any problem.
  2. You will cover the music concepts and strand units as they are laid out in our new curriculum.
  3. There is a monthly report and checklist included. This will allow you to keep account of what you have covered and concepts that you might feel need a little more work. This checklist will just simply organise your thoughts for you.
  4. You will also have all your lesson plans written out for you under these headings: resources required, objectives, music concepts, strands and strand units, introduction, development, conclusion and assessment.
  5. You will have the words, guitar chords, tonic solfa and music supplied for all the songs covered in each programme (20 songs).
  6. You will have black and white copies of all the art work used in the programme so if you need to use them for an art lesson, or any other lesson, you have them available to you.
  7. Not only have you the lesson plans written out for you but by using the CDs with the lessons,on them, a lot of the lesson is explained and taught, leaving very little for you to do. Concepts covered in the lessons need to be reinforced by the teacher from one lesson to the next.
  8. All the songs are sung on CD. The backings for these songs are also supplied so you can carry on with your singing independently of the original singer.
  9. You will be introducing the children to tonic solfa, but the trick here is that they don't even realise that they are learning it. Throughout the year the children sing a short song at the beginning and end of every lesson. This song, depending on the class, has various combinations of the tonic solfa notes in it. The children will be familiarising themselves with the intervals by singing this song.
  10. You will have all the work sheets the children need to complete included in the children's workbook and teacher's manual.
  11. One of the most important advantages is that the programme is designed to make the learning of music fun for both you and the children. By making it into an interactive story where the children are involved.
  12. Another advantage with this programme is that throughout the narrations, simple Irish phrases are used, making this programme unique. It introduces the children to Gaeilge in a natural, simple way.


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